

We offer a MedsCheck and diabetes MedsCheck service with accredited pharmacists to helep you understand and use your medications so you can get the most out of them.

In a regular MedsCheck service a pharmacist will:

  • Provide education on how your medications are helpful for you and your health conditions
  • Identify any issues with how you currently use your medication and make suggestions to help you get more out of your medication
  • Will look into interactions between your medications


In a diabetes MedsCheck service a pharmacist will:

  • Your understanding and use of diabetic medications to help maximise it's benefit in the treatment of your diabetes
  • Provide education and training on the use and on-going monitoring of blood sugar levels
  • Help reduce the chance you suffer from complications of diabetes


Contact us below or come in store and see us to find out more

Contact us if you have any questions

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    Croydon Hills Pharmacy

    6-10 McAdam Square Croydon Hills VIC 3136

    Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 7pm | Saturday 9am - 5pm | Sunday 10am - 1pm | Public Holiday Call to confirm 

    Phone 03 9725 6653 | Fax 03 9723 5532 | Email

    Croydon Hills Pharmacy

    Croydon Hills Pharmacy has been serving the Croydon Hills and surrounding communities for over 10 years. Our caring and professional pharmacists are passionate about your health, and along with prescription medicines, we specialise in Dose Administration, Pharmacist Vaccinations and Scripts on File Reordering.